Friday, November 6, 2015

DanPar's first No-shave November!

Regarding the month or so since my last post:
I've been programming a game. It's gonna be awesome. My stand-in character is Dadmaster, and it's pretty awesome.
Gonna be so awesome! (Hype hype hype hype!)
Here at my residence, we have house rules for "No-shave November", or what some call "Novembeard", or what those manlier than I simply call "November".
The rules:
-You can shave your neck. Nobody needs that.
-You can trim for comfort reasons. Some of us have mustaches that love venturing northward into our nostrils.
-If it's a straight up competition, you start out clean shaven, and on December 1st, beards are judged by third parties for thickness, coverage, and length.

Now, DanPar this year is one of those manly men who doesn't shave AT ALL. So, here are some pictures of possible outcomes:
The "before" picture
The wolfman

The sheriff
The Dali

The evil twin
The friendly mutton chop

The hobo
The Renaissance man

The sensei
The Super DanPar Bro

The whiplash

Personally, I'm just hoping his facial hair comes out a lot less...colorful than his head hair. (I just keep telling myself it's Bronco colored.)
Good luck to all you hairy monsters!
-Guy who totally teared up at the end of Wreck-It Ralph...twice