Thursday, January 28, 2016

This kid I have

This kid I have can walk, when a month ago we were trying to show off how he could stand for a few seconds without support.

This kid I have can say things like "dog" and "stars" and he's working on "toes", but still no sign of "Mama" or "Dada."

This kid I have can make car noises when playing with his toys, yet thinks old plastic tubs are the peak of fun.

This kid I have can eat a thousand little fruit puffs and still ask for more, while it's hard for him to stomach three carrot sticks.

This kid I have is the person I talk to more than anyone, and I'm the one he tells everything he can to. It's incredible to believe that a year ago, he was just a newborn blob, who I worried about every minute of the day.

Worry turned to love.
And I'm so happy he's my boy.