Friday, December 9, 2016

Hiding from the boys

Breakfast is an ordeal. I can whip up a meal for the kiddos in no time, but when I'm trying to eat something for me, it's hard to find a moment's peace. So I hide.
 It's not for a long time or anything. I just want five minutes, five glorious minutes, where I am still close enough to come running in a crisis, but just out of sight, so DanPar forgets about me, and I can drink coffee on the floor.
 It's a glamorous life. But eventually DanPar does something impressive enough that he wants to show off what he can do, such as hide things in boxes, put things in his mouth, or bounce things off my head.
 It's tough, not ever getting a moment alone. Not to eat, not to go out, not to text someone without the big boy demanding my be used to watch garbage trucks, not to just zone out at the computer. I do miss videogames.
But I'm incredibly happy. Tired, yes. Stressed, oh yeah. But above all, I love my family. Joy predominates. Then exhaustion at a close second.