Tuesday, February 7, 2017

Night Intruder

Last week was a rough week for the kids. Crash had started teething, and even with Tylenol, he was waking up often. DanPar was using the opportunity, while we were at our weakest, to convince us that he'd be fine if we just put on some movies...

Horsey movie
Balloon movie

And that came with its own consequences. He could be set off by a single word, and start fussing over watching a movie. It was an exhausting week, and when things started settling down, I was used to waking up at least a couple times per night, per kid.

And then came Thursday. I got up, stood next to the bed for a full minute, working up the resolve to go take care of Mr. Par, and finally walked into his room. Only problem was, he wasn't even awake. Somehow, in the order of: 1) hear child crying, 2) get up, 3) regret everything, and 4) go take care of child, I had skipped #1.

So, I walked in, with no pretense of sneaking in, and Daniel lifted his sweet head up. "Dad," he said, sleepily, and then in a chipper tone, "Hi."
After I'd realized my mistake, I smiled, and sat down next to him. "Hey, kiddo." A pause. "Um, need a change?"
With a slow, happy, voice, "Daniel's okay."
"Well, all right." Another pause. "Need some more milk?"
Pause again. "Yeah."
"All right. I'll be right back."

So I got him his milk, tucked him back in, and kissed him on his head. "I love you, Daniel."
"I love you, Dad."

The memory still makes me smile, because being dumb made my night. I'd been spending so much time getting up and worrying, it was a great change of pace to get up in the middle of the night, and instead of being frustrated, feeling blessed with the family I have around me. When I went back down to bed, I kissed Jessi's hair, and whispered, "I love you."
And she whispered back, "I love you, too."


I've got a sweet little family.