Monday, May 22, 2017

Being sick, miserable, and surrounded by love

Well, it looks like we're finally near the end of our two-week disease extravaganza! Yet somehow, the person who got out of it the cleanest was Crash Boy. You know, the infant who puts everything in his mouth? Coughed for a few days, threw up once. That's it.

It started with the stomach, then made a smooth transition into a bad cold, then I'm sure if we hadn't all dutifully gotten our flu shots, that's what'd be striking us next.

And yet, even though I know it was horrible, all I'm left with are good memories. It's the worst reason to miss work, but it was nice for Jessi to stay home. I was overwhelmed and spent a day at Mom's house, and yet I had a great nap, and got to read a book while watching my boys have the time of their life with the grandparents.

I know that it hurt to swallow, and I know we did laundry in the middle of the night. I know we dealt with cleaning the carpet and making it smell somehow both like vomit and Febreze Spring Freshness or whatever. But I remember those things the same way I remember a telephone number. They don't make me feel anything. But looking back, what I remember is laughing with Jessi about how amazing ramen noodles were, a dish we hadn't eaten in years, and how proud I was of Daniel being brave even though he felt awful.

I smile thinking about our special way of showing we need help: laying on the couch with socks and a blanket, and complaining, "I have malai-h-h-haise..."

And I look through the pictures I took, and doggone it, even though I tried not to do anything, even though I could've sworn I'd decided to give up on parenting and let DanPar watch YouTube while I play videogames, it looks like we actually, you know, DID things!

Arm wrestling the Crash Boy!

Daniel helps stock up on fruit to weather being sick!

A stop by the park to enjoy freshly sliced watermelon!

That old pile of sand in our backyard has been such a blessing!

A quick drive around the block knocked them out cold.

What's the harm in letting a sick, sleepy DanPar drive?


Really starting to enjoy the hose for all it's worth!

He fell asleep like this, the sweetie.

Good morning, Baby Crash!

Our little quarantined family enjoying some noodles!

Under the watchful eyes of his Grandpa!

Taking the wagon to the park!

Collecting pine cones!

Heading down the slide!

Still sick, but still happy!

Playing in the ball pit!

He's such an imp!!!

Taking his little brother for a stroll!

Turns out he's a little too big...

Sunday morning out!

Enjoying a tasty foot! Yum yum!

All clean! No longer stinky, but still a stinker!