Saturday, August 5, 2017

Battle at the park!

Last weekend, Jessi took the Crash Boy, so it was just me and DanPar. After getting the laundry started and writing a couple postcards, we headed out to the park, after stopping at McDonald's ("old McDonald had a farm!" he sings, every time)!

 Now, I chose this park because it has a lot of Pokestops for the game Pokemon Go, where you can find these creatures in the real world and fight for dominion over actual locations. I met another parent, and we talked about comics and superheroes. It was awesome. Daniel was shy, but that wasn't an option once the other boy hugged him several times.

After a walk around the area, DanPar asked if we could go to the "big steering wheel" park. I knew exactly the one, and it was less than two minutes away! I went over, and since Mom had left a beanbag set in the car, I brought it out.
And then there it was. On my phone, a huge blue bird, super rare in the game, meant that soon I would be joined by fellow nerds. And lo, they came!
I played beanbag with these people, talked about parenting with a few, and enjoyed one of those moments that happens less and less frequently since I took up the Dad mantle. I love being the most outgoing one in a party. I love being the guy who invites others to play beanbags. And man, if I'd never heard of Pokemon Go, it sure would've been confusing why so many kidless adults gathered around DanPar and me, quiet and cult-like.

Once the monstrous blue bird was defeated, and everyone left, there were two other kids still there, and Daniel started learning from them. This is one of the most terrifying things that can happen to me, because I'm worried these kids will teach Daniel that "Star Wars" means you take fake guns and shoot other kids. (Thanks, library boys.) But they taught him how to climb up a spiral slide, how to pass a basketball, and they chased each other around!
It does my heart good to see my little guy playing with kids his age.

When he finally took a long nap for me, we went and joined up with Mama and Crash Boy, and played the heck out of some foosball.

The whole day just really made me smile. :)