Wednesday, September 20, 2017

Monday, September 18, 2017

Trying times with the sweetest boys!

I've had a hard time expressing how rough it feels to hear that your kid not eating enough is the reason he's so small, and he's getting anemic. They're my boys, they're my responsibility, and so just the slightest dropping-the-ball is hard to hear.
Crash is signed up for eating lessons, and I'm doing my best to stay hopeful. Just yesterday we gave him some sweet tatatoes (DanPar's original pronunciation), and he threw them back up.

So it's been a trying time. Crash has been teething, too, so he's been smiling less, crying more, and it's just been really hard on me.

But today, wouldn't you know it, I was upstairs dealing with the diapers, and downstairs I hear them both giggling back and forth at each other! I've depended on DanPar to entertain Crash Boy, and he pulled through!
As I washed my hands, I thought about how things weren't too bad.

And then I came down.

DanPar had grabbed the powdered milk canister off of the counter, managed to open it, and, well, see for yourself.

He was rubbing his hands on it, Crash was crawling through it, and I knew this meant I'd need to scrub the tile later.

Recently, I've been stressed, but it's been hard to tell, until something gets me started. I can feel my temper rising up, like I've got a short fuse, right until I explode with...
I stopped myself. This was okay. Everything was all right. Sure, I'd tell him not to do it again, but I thought about how life doesn't have to be fair. He did something wrong, sure, and the fair thing to do would be to get a stern talking-to, but instead:
...with laughter. "Oh my goodness, what a MESS!" I laughed out, and grabbed my phone to take a picture. The floor would need to be swept and scrubbed, but my boys were happy, and I saw no reason not to be happy, either.

I was just so happy to hear Crash Boy laugh again, and for Daniel to play with him. Daniel can be a bit rough, so I'm always a tad worried that instead of risking getting yelled at for manhandling his little brother, he'll avoid him completely, which would be the worst outcome.

So everything worked out. As I speak, I've got surprisingly sticky powder on my floor. No problem, I'll clean it when the boys are out of my hair, and until then, we can always play in another room, or at the library. I'm still stressed, my fuse is still short, but life is beautiful, and my boys are the sweetest.

The little rascal!

The boys on swings!

Cruising through Soops!

Free donut because the Broncos won yesterday!