Tuesday, February 20, 2018

Babbling to chatting!

So, Crash Boy is starting to speak words! Actual words!
Here is the chronological list of the words he's learned to say:

Hi! (I wish I could make him do this on cue, but he isn't easily trained.(
Yeahhh. (In a sweet, soft, long voice.)
No no no no. (We tried to  keep him from learning it, but it happens.)
Dip dip!
Dad! (Sounds like "Dah!")
Mama! (Sounds like "Mamamamamama.)

Probably one of the main reasons he's exploding with new words is that when we're in the car, and I'm trying to keep the little boy awake, I'll call back, "Crash Boy! Ya ya ya ya!"
And he'll sleepily respond, "Ya ya ya..."
And then, "Crash Boy! Tschhh!"
And, "Crash Boy! Blublubluu!"
"Bah bah... la bah..."

Once DanPar joins in, I know we'll be able to keep the little tyke awake until we get home, where he can take a long nap, and I can finally relax.

At the local park!

That is a construction helmet, and he is doing serious work.

He found our actual hardhat, and now always wears it when he plays with his construction toys!

DanPar doing the dishes!