Wednesday, September 12, 2018

Crash-a-Boy, 2 years old!

It’s hard to believe that we’ve had this little guy for two years now. On one hand, he was such a little little baby guy, so how can he already be so big? On the other hand, I can’t really remember a time when it was just me and DanPar. (It sounds so simple!)

He's not a clingy guy. He's perfectly comfortable wandering off to play with a kid he's never met. But when he's upset, he wants to be held FOREVER. And when you're too busy to hold, he'll stick his hands out in front like Frankenstein with a big pout on his face. Of course it's sad, but it's ADORABLE.

He likes three things in life: yogurt, family, and whatever DanPar likes. He'll follow his older brother around like a baby duck, and it's just the sweetest thing. It was interesting how on our adventure a couple weeks back, I found myself out of conversation topics. I just couldn’t think of anything he’d actually be interested in! So, instead, we wandered around Golden, and he’d point to stores, and we’d wander in! I think he’s just as clueless as I am when it comes to his preferences, but we both enjoyed the simple joy of doing new things.

He's not a risk taker, at least if you were to ask him. He jumps off of the couch with his whole heart, not a worry in the world, but he doesn't think it's actually risky! DanPar will do dangerous things knowing they're dangerous. Crash will do the exact same things because hey, if his favorite older brother's doing it, it couldn't turn out bad, right? The boy's legs are often bruised and scraped, and he just got over a nice black eye.

He's not as much a talker (DanPar does enough for the both of them) as DanPar is, but  he’s just as much of a smiler. Ever since  he started actually eating, it’s like his social switch just got turned on. He loves to do things you ask when you structure them in a happy tone, because he so loves to please. Except, of course, when he feels like being a rascal, and he’ll say “No!” in the most adorable little voice, and run off laughing. I am certainly raising a couple of goobers.

A few rapid fire favorites:
Food: yogurt, animal crackers
Animal: elephant
Color: orange
Restaurant: Chick-Fil-A (but only for the playplace)
Dessert: someone else’s ice cream
Song: What Does The Fox Say?, by Ylvis
Toy: Tanker truck Duplo (Thanks, Uncle Hodey!)
Book: Ten Little Ladybugs
Shirt: Superman shirt
Word: “Outlet”
Hobby: Putting shoes in baskets (sometimes even the right ones!)

All in all, he’s just a sweet little guy who loves it when everyone is happy, and loves to run around and smile. I’m proud that he’s mine.