Wednesday, November 14, 2018

One good-looking dude!

My jeans don't fit, and it's hard to find shirts that are long enough without being too loose.
But let me tell you, when I've got the right outfit on, I look goooooooooooooooooooooooooood!

I shaved today, and I am handsome as can be! I'm really happy that I've lost the weight I've lost, and I'm down to 195! Sure, progress down has slowed, but if I have to spend time at one end or the other, spending time while being not-fat (my self-appointed ranking) is definitely nice!
Think about this. Earlier this year, I was obese, according to my BMI. (Right? Damn!) Now I'm overweight, but juuuuuuuuuuuuust barely! Once I hit 189, I'm "normal"!!!

So, here's to me, the studly Dadmaster! Keep up the good work, you awesome guy, you!