Monday, December 24, 2018

DanPar, Crash, and Echo!

I have three great boys. They are great because they play well together, they nap and sleep at the same time, and they are sweet.

Sure, Echo isn't exactly "playful", but DanPar and Crash love to play with him, and DanPar puts on big ol' Mama sunglasses and makes faces at the littlest baby boy, and it makes him break out in a big smile!

The napping speaks for itself. Echo no longer falls asleep on my chest, which is a shame, but I'm glad I took full advantage of that while it happened. I can sort of make Echo nap whenever I need him to, with at least an hour's preparation, and the other two basically tire each other out in their room until they both fall asleep! Also, Echo sleeps through the night! Whaaaaa? Not looking forward to sleep regression, when he starts waking up again in the middle of the night.

And they are sweet. Sometimes they forget that they are sweet when they are sad or angry or tired or cranky, but on good days, (which most days actually are!) they'll give hugs to each other, they'll help each other build and play, and they'll be so excited to see people they love, which is a large circle of people!

They are great boys. It makes me proud to be their dad, and while I really think I'll enjoy it more when they're older, I'm really enjoying things now, too. The future is bright, the present is manageable!

Lots of love and lots of sweetness!
