Monday, June 3, 2019

Redeeming the Tooth Fairy's treasure!

DanPar lost his tooth!

And he got a dollar!

And he wanted to use it on a crane machine in the entrance to Country Buffet, but thank goodness Jessi convinced him otherwise. She told him that it wasn't guaranteed he'd get something, so we went to Dollar Tree instead!

DanPar saw a water squirter and he decided that would be it. Jessi also saw some big bubble wand things, and so we got a couple of those, too!

Jessi took Crash and Echo into a different aisle, and so it was just me and the DanPar. Now, I wanted him to be able to pay with his dollar, so I snuck a secret 8 cents over by the cashier, who was still checking out the last customer. I gave her some hushed words "That's for later, don't worry about it," but apparently hushed words in this context tend to lean towards "Put the money in the bag," because she gave me this look. Suspicion and a hint of fear.
Eventually, when sweet little DanPar proudly handed her his dollar, and I loudly (not hushed) said, "This is the dollar he got from the tooth fairy!", she got the idea, and she did her part VERY well. I know it's a lot to ask from a stranger, to be in on the subterfuge, but what else could I do? Next time, I'll talk to the cashier beforehand, so they know the three pennies and a nickel aren't some secret message that means "I'm gonna rob you."
Anyways, it worked! And we've had a fun time playing with the squirter and bubbles!