Wednesday, March 4, 2020

The big break and my big plate

The author I edit for just asked if we could collaborate on a story! Co-written, co-created, co-llaboration! She's almost done with the Navy SEALs series she's been doing, and now she just wants to write something for fun. Which is my jam!
I'm a bit worried that she's got the impression that we have very similar writing styles, but that's just because I've been editing her book, so I've been suggesting things that fit into her story!

And there we see my big problem, with my big plate! I've always got so much on it, and I have a hard time keeping things off of it. Here I am, in the last weeks of editing this book, looking forward to being done with it, and I'm already planning on what to do afterwards!

I need to figure out how to pen in some time to relax, to rest, to have an empty plate! It sucks that everything is so hectic now. I know that we've got a thousand things to do to get ready to move, but I've already got so much! I'm beat, and I'm hoping I can hang in there. Good weather is coming, which means the boys can play outside. We're all getting better from our cold, so I'll have more energy and less sick kids to deal with.

I wish I could spend more time coming up with things for my kids to do. I love doing little crafty things with them, or playing Dungeons and Dragons with the boys. But it all takes ENERGY and TIME, and I'm all out of both of those!

Right now, I'm dragging myself along to do all the things that need to be done, and so I've got nothing left for the things I want to do!


I'm looking forward to having more time. My boys deserve a dad at 100%! Right now, I feel like I'm at 10%. But there are ends in sight! We'll have a house. Summer is coming. I just worry I'm going to regret not giving enough for my kids while they were young enough to be carefree.

They are wonderful boys. I'm blessed and lucky to have them.

We made these cute little snowmen a couple weeks ago! I love these boys.