Sunday, October 18, 2020

Working on the Matte Biscuit!

 I love this house. It's great for entertaining, and with the nine kids all wandering through and throughout everywhere (I've found the basement door leading outside open all the time!), it's a source of pride how often all the kids end up here.

Recently, I've tried to have some crafty thing on hand to do. We've never really had much of a problem with the boys playing videogames, but with all the cousins around, whenever one of them wants to play, everyone gets in on it! And while it's awesome they can all grab a controller and get on it, I want to make sure they're getting their imagination exercised.

Thankfully, they love building with Legos. DanPar especially has been having a great time building dungeons, and I love how quickly they can adapt whatever scenario they're playing in to include each other. They are sweet in that they always want to include each other. Just yesterday they had a Lego tower building competition!

Our house is always in the middle of three or more projects. And I accepted that as part of my vows, I believe! I'm very tired, but it's so nice every time I step back and look at all that's been done. Especially as we've been playing catch-up with the others in the Loft Club, who had a couple months' head start!

I could use some more free time; I always feel like whenever I've got time without the boys, I should either be doing something with them or sleeping. Life is still tough. It's getting better, and it's so nice to see it getting built up better and better, but I've been conscious of the time passing me by. I have very little energy nowadays, and any energy I build up is quickly allocated to something that needs to be done. Lots of things need to be done. It drags me down how little is left for everything else.

Uuuugh. I'm looking forward to the wintry months. Hopefully I'll be able to get through them without being too busy. I feel like I'm always trying to keep the house clean, the boys fed, the laundry going, and even then, I sometimes fall behind.

It's nice to not be doing this alone; Jessi helps whenever I ask, and I'm surrounded by kind family who are all going through similar situations. It's less tumultuous to know that this is the house that will be our home for, well, forever as far as I'm concerned! Someday, I'll be caught up and rested. Not a priority right now? Hurts to say it, but yeah, I guess that's the case.

Well, downer Woody has had a lot to say, and you know what, that's fair. I wouldn't expect anyone to suck it up and act like all is well around me, and I won't hold myself to any different standard. But you know what? Every day begins with a great cup of coffee, and it's always a good start to the day.

I'm doing what I can to keep it together while also moving forward.

Things are getting there. Things are getting better. It's a shame that we can't just fix everything in one go. Everything's a process.

I'm starting up a new Dungeons and Dragons campaign with Andrew and some of his friends. I think it's going to be a lot of fun! I'm the Dungeonmaster, and I'm in the mood to provide one of the greatest gametime experiences these guys have ever had! I'm a bit anxious because I feel like it's this huge thing for me, and it might not be for them! To me, it's the ability to create stories with friends! But maybe they just want to pretend that they can smash giant spiders. And you know what? That's okay. I just need to practice not pushing them into it.

Maybe I'm the only one looking forward to the winter, but oh, I am! I like chilly weather, especially with my tasty coffee, a warm home, and fun games to play with people I like!