Friday, December 17, 2021

It's complaining time!

 I'm constantly overwhelmed. I don't get breaks from the kids. I feel like I'm too overwhelmed to get them up to speed. Crash Boy still will not poo on the potty, and kindergarten is coming up fast. Daniel just needs to sit down and do his math, but I have a hard time keeping up with him because I have so much to do always. My kids will always fight when they play together, and they will always break things. My hands are cracked and bleeding in two different spots just because of how often I have to wash them, because of dishes or diapers or kids being generally gross. My jaw hurts pretty bad, and has for the last ten days, ever since I went to the dentist and got my tooth drilled and fitted for a crown. I have no reason to expect that my jaw will just start feeling better. For all I know, it'll just always hurt now. All my fillings seem to have been put in very badly, because all of them need to be replaced, and it's going to cost a hell of a lot. The parts I can brush and floss are fine! The only parts with cavities are the parts under the fillings! My house is in a constant mess, and my kids see that as an invitation to make that mess worse. I'm very stressed, and I'm worried that it's going to affect my health.

It's all a lot. It's pretty bad.