Tuesday, September 13, 2022

Two Degrees Of Separation

 I am a very lucky person!

Here's why.

I am two degrees of separation from toxic people. From people who believe that Trump rightfully won the election, from people who condemn Simone Biles for having nervous issues during the Olympics, from people who complain that black actors don't belong in Lord Of The Rings, and from people who believe therapy is for losers.

I don't think I really curate my friends, either. I think I'm just a person who has done a good job nurturing the healthy relationships I have.

I've mentioned the list before, right?

Every month, I have a list of people I want to keep in contact with. These are people from my life who have been supportive, loving, and have helped develop me into the person I want to be. It's a list of 25 people.

I'm having a hard time right now, and that's been the case. But you know what I haven't been having a hard time with? Having friends. I do not feel alone, I do not feel unloved, I do not feel like there's no one I can reach out to.

I'm excited for my therapy tomorrow. Just like I'm going in for my annual physical, I've written out a page of all the questions I have, all the maladies I have, all the little questions I have.

And all my friends, who have been with me every step of the way, are excited to see me go and be responsible with my mental health. <3

Daniel knows how to microwave his own popcorn! He's very proud, and excited to learn how to make his own food!

This watermelon is a whopping 26 pounds!!!

Going bowling with my sweet little Echo Guy!

Crash Boy wasn't in any of our houses! Turns out, he was on the Ingram's patio, playing with mud!

Getting a Big Bear carry at Kohl's!