Tuesday, March 14, 2023

150 days!!!

 It's about 150 days until Echo starts preschool, and it's got me thinking about my own work, and about being at home with Jessi, and I don't think I've been so excited for anything in my life!

A couple days ago, I was feeling worried that an editing job was going to be hard to keep up; after all, it's not often you hear about freelance editors.

But oh man, this morning just happened, and it was BUSY! One author sent me a new chapter to get to and post today, one friend sent me a resume bio to look at and asked me to send them an invoice, and one author gave me their Chapter 1, so that we could brainstorm the rest of the book! It was busy! And all of this is while I'm currently contracted to get through a 100,000-word novel that I'm hoping to finish the second draft of this week!

And let's not forget that Jessi and I just walk around the house, stop and look at how we're doing, and just say, "Damn, we've got a good thing going." We are IN LOVE, and being together is such a delight. I have a lot of bad days, lots of things that just press on me throughout, and kids that can be so demanding and hard to simply be around, but at the end of the day, it's Jessi and I, being together. It's amazing, because even after a day that's been rough from sunup to sundown, I always have a delightful evening and night, because it's with my favorite person ever.

I really look forward to working next to each other, across the study peninsula, and for taking lunch breaks together. And with no kids in the way! It makes the bad days a little easier on me, knowing that there is a time coming towards us when we'll spend the days together. We're so happy together, pleasant together, and comfortable together.

I know it's like the opposite of retirement, but it feels a bit like a retirement from stay-at-home parenting! Except for the summers! I'm gonna have to survive those, but the boys have been better at playing outside in the moments of warm weather we're having!

Good days are on their ways!

My sweet family!

Where I'm working today!