Monday, June 26, 2023

The Summer Slog!

 50 days, ladies and gentlemen! 50 days until the boys are all in school. I've been overstressed since 2019, and I am ALMOST THERE.

Summer has been tough. Kids stay up late because of the sun, and it's as if the neighbor-cousins scheduled their trips so that they're away whenever we're at home!

There's been no shortage of creativity from our boys. Daniel's turning out to be a Lego maniac, Crash likes to sit down with markers and paper, and Echo.... well, okay, Echo is just as much a muggle-rat as he's ever been. This sweet guy, he just loves to be in the middle of things, and sometimes that means he wants to lie down in front of the oven when we're baking, or come screaming and crying down the stairs whenever Mama leaves the house, even if it's just to turn on the front yard sprinklers.

And they are SO LOUD. Some days I'll hide from my kids in the pantry because I can't trust myself to keep my cool, or cover my ears with my hands while they're screaming because it hurts my ears and takes my stress to astronomically high levels!

I can say "I just need a break", but it was almost a relief when Father's Day didn't really pan out. I was exhausted and emotionally spent, and even if I had a day to go out and do my own thing, I feel like I would've spent the entire time just wishing I were back home, sitting down.

I need time, not just one day away. Time to recover, which I have to accept might look like a few weeks not doing anything. I'm tired. I want to fly to the heights that I know I can, but I'm lucky to feel like I can (metaphorically) walk most days.

The boys have begun their week of swim lessons! I think they're going to do really well! Daniel was scream-crying at us just yesterday (for probably 30 minutes straight) that he didn't want to go, but he was excited today. Echo's a bit hesitant to trust the instructor to hold him at a distance while he practices kicks, but he's learning what he can. He's a bright little muggle-rat, and that's the truth.

I made myself a little schedule to follow, for things to clean and things to do when I've finally got time, and I think that's a good move for me. I'm a checklist kind of guy, when it comes down to it!

Okay, it's shower time. I feel sticky. SUMMER!!!