Monday, April 15, 2024

Sharing My Half-Baked Creations

 I am a very good editor. I can take a story and tell you exactly what's missing from it. I can play a board game and come up with a few house rules that'll make it better.

But man, I feel like I'm a little bit blind when it comes to my own stuff! Which means that if I want to get better, I need to start sharing! So I'm going to start doing that. It's a mantra that I've long since held onto, but haven't lived up to:

Create Fearlessly.

So, last night I zipped off four copies of my first chapter of a book I'm working on, Tales Of Pangaea, a humorous adventure book that follows a group of anarchist mercenaries on the last city on Earth.

The robot resembled a large, sideways toaster with treads, but instead of delivering toast, it delivered razor-sharp sawblade discs the size of two-foot-wide toast.


I've made arrangements with Jordan to play Dire Gardens, a dice-assigning board game I made where you play garden gnomes defending your garden from monstrous weeds and pests.

And two night ago, we gave another shot to cooking chicken korma. Monsoon, a nearby restaurant, has some of the best food we've ever eaten, and we're trying to replicate it!

(No picture looks good, and it was a bit gritty, so you'll have to imagine it.)

It can be hard for me to share things, because I know my mind orbits around, each season a new project that I feel like I'm going to sink my energy into. I think what's needed is someone who I can work with, someone who can keep me somewhat accountable for moving forward with one (ONE) project.

Now, one project that I've been surprisingly good at keep up with, is going to the gym! I'm more muscular nowadays, and I can see the progress with the weights I've been lifting! It's not as exciting as writing a book, but it's a very healthy thing, and a very good thing!

It's hard to get into the groove of making things. I'm still hoping that I'll fall into a rhythm sometime in my life, but even if nothing I make ever gets done, I'm proud of all the projects I've been a part of. I'm a good editor, after all!