Monday, July 25, 2016

No=thin=g] ac]=cording to plan

Even while starting this post, the little DanPar came up and started getting excited and mashed the keyboard once or twice. So, just a small dedication to all the things that just don't go according to plan.

We taught the kid what a train was, and he was so enthusiastic, that he decided to make his own trains. This is achieved by putting a cup inside a bowl of yogurt.

He was waving hi to his mom around the banister, and she made me put the pillow there, just in case!

Last week, I saw a bird catching a worm. It was so iconic that I called the little guy over. He came just in time to see the bird poop on our porch and fly off.

He is actually wearing pajamas over top of more clothes. They overdid it with the AC there!

The boy loves to wave hi. At dogs, at bubbles, at thunder, at pictures of monsters on his ow pajamas, but if you try to get him to wave at a human, he clams up in an instant.

When reading one of his favorite books, Bunnies!, he'll point to a tree, a bush, a cloud, but as soon as you say "stump", he hears his favorite dance move, and he stomps his feet, usually kicking the book out of your hands!

"Boo-boo!" (You may kiss my hand.)

He's the sweetest little boy. And it will be so sad when the boo-boo on his hand heals, because he asks for everyone to kiss it better.

And of course we do. <3

Wednesday, July 6, 2016

Cups of Coffee, 7/6/2016

     Little thoughts about my little man!

Cup of coffee #19:  Dinosaur nuggets!

Dinosaur towel! Rawr!
        The other day, I proudly picked out some cheap dino nuggets for me and the boy! (Jessi opted for the more not-blended-chicken-stuf nuggets.) The kiddo loves dinosaurs, and he's starting to play with his food, but, well, I'm still not entirely sure if he enjoyed them or not!

Cup of coffee #20:  Deputy DanPar

Practicing his horse riding skills, the little buckaroo!
        So, DanPar's gonna be an older brother soon. And in my experience of being the youngest, I was dragged around, teased, and yet still managed to have a great time with my older brothers. But it will be tough for the little munchkin. We're gonna make it as gradual as possible on the kiddo, and I'll soon implement the "Quiet time" sign, with the words "LOUD TIME" on the back. (Not really; still haven't figured out what the other side will say.)
        But I was a teacher, by gum, and so I want to emphasize that it's not just that I won't be able to devote 100% attention to the little man, but rather that I need his help! Someone's gonna have to be my deputy, and it sure won't be the little blob that will be Crash!

Cup of coffee #21:  Brushing teeth like a champ!

        What can I say? The little boy loves toothbrushes, and he can't wait to learn to do it on his own!

Kewl kids brush at least twice a day!
Kewl kids don't have plaque!
Kewl kids...use their toothbrush as a spoon, I guess?

Friday, July 1, 2016

The day got an A!

Yesterday was great. And it's important to write down good memories.

First off, I have a SUPER cute kid.

And that just makes every day better.
In the morning, I had to quickly get things cleaned up, because I knew I'd be having a bunch of people over that evening. Because it's Thursday, and every third Thursday (Thurdsday?) is DUNGEONS AND DRAGONS.

Then we went to the zoo with Aunt Amy and Uncle Bryan! And we ate crackers, with terrifying results!

Bryan taught him to say "Mush" when I'm pulling the wagon.
I know there are animals at the zoo I should probably be taking pictures of, but my kid's still the best.
Watching the penguin feeding!

Choo choo!
After we rode the train, which looked just like the one from one of his favorite books, (it was like a dream come true for the little guy,) the kiddo and I headed out to have lunch with Jessi/Mama. DanPar was given his own cup with a straw, and he knew exactly what to do. Man, what will we do when the answer to "Do you need a kid's menu?" is yes?! Luckily, he's was satisfied eating bratwurst and macaroni.
When we got home, the boy fell right asleep. For two and a half hours.
Didn't even wake up during the diaper change. That is one sleepy kid.

During this time, I scrambled to get my DnD game together, creating disasters for them to encounter on the treacherous seas, where they'd been dragged off by a KRAKEN!  (Represented by 8 pieces of green ribbon.) I finished just in time, and even though I failed once again to get ANYONE eaten by monsters, it was a great time to spend with friends, family, and giant squids.

Hodey said he'd be late, so he got grabbed by the kraken!
When everyone left, Jessi was retrieving the boy from Grandmom's house, so I grabbed a couple burritos, and we ate delicious Chipotle while looking at the pictures of the day. Apparently our boy had a LOT of fun watching BattleBots!

It was a great day. And I wanted to make sure I wrote it down.