Monday, July 25, 2016

No=thin=g] ac]=cording to plan

Even while starting this post, the little DanPar came up and started getting excited and mashed the keyboard once or twice. So, just a small dedication to all the things that just don't go according to plan.

We taught the kid what a train was, and he was so enthusiastic, that he decided to make his own trains. This is achieved by putting a cup inside a bowl of yogurt.

He was waving hi to his mom around the banister, and she made me put the pillow there, just in case!

Last week, I saw a bird catching a worm. It was so iconic that I called the little guy over. He came just in time to see the bird poop on our porch and fly off.

He is actually wearing pajamas over top of more clothes. They overdid it with the AC there!

The boy loves to wave hi. At dogs, at bubbles, at thunder, at pictures of monsters on his ow pajamas, but if you try to get him to wave at a human, he clams up in an instant.

When reading one of his favorite books, Bunnies!, he'll point to a tree, a bush, a cloud, but as soon as you say "stump", he hears his favorite dance move, and he stomps his feet, usually kicking the book out of your hands!

"Boo-boo!" (You may kiss my hand.)

He's the sweetest little boy. And it will be so sad when the boo-boo on his hand heals, because he asks for everyone to kiss it better.

And of course we do. <3

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