Thursday, April 20, 2017

Energy efficient Dadmaster

I got all my big chores done before 11:00 am today!

But don't let that fool you. It is not because I have big plans for the afternoon, or because I had a burst of energy this morning.
In fact, it's the opposite of both of those. I knew from the moment I woke up that today would be a day where by the end of it, I'd be dragging myself to do anything. So my big plans for the afternoon? Be on couch. Read a book. Keep children alive. And it wasn't so much a burst of energy as it was a normal amount of energy that would dwindle away throughout the day.
But it's something that's really helped me out overall. I can honestly say that I have been very bad at spending energy until I had two kids. You see, it goes beyond just day-to-day. I made a huge pot of soup yesterday, because I knew I wouldn't have the energy to make each meal as it came.
So while my energy was up, I went out, went shopping, played with my boys, enticed DanPar to come down and join me while doing laundry (we keep our pretzels down there!), and did the dishes while they weren't looking.
And it's been a good day. And it will continue to be a good day, even if I would rather be horizontal for most of the afternoon, because I can breathe easy. I did my duty.

ALL these pictures are from this great morning!

If Crash and I are being boring, DanPar will sneak away to wash his hands!



I caught this boy reading all on his own, pointing out the goose and horseys!

He ran up to me, handed my my toothbrush, saying, "Dad's toothbrush!"

Doing the run run!

The view from the couch is a cozy one!

Happy chunk!

A meeting of the minds.

This is what I deal with every day. Serious business, you guys.

I love how he gazes outside!

Daniel hopped into Crash's bumbo chair to play with choo-choo trucks!

DanPar leaned back, Crash smiled and gladly behaved as the back of an easy chair.

Sleep tight, little guy. You can't stop the Crash Boy!

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