Thursday, July 20, 2017

Keeping up with the boys (and me, too, eventually)

I feel like I can finally breathe! I have mastered the skill of aligning naptimes! This means that I can usually get both boys down for a nap at the same time, for at least an hour!

The secret is simple: when the kids get on my nerves, pack them up and head out.

Where do I go? If the library's open, we go there! If there's a park nearby that we haven't been to, maybe we'll check it out! If the idea of dealing with kids outside strikes fear into my heart that particular day, then we'll go shopping! Even if there's only one item on the shopping list, the boys love riding together, and DanPar usually gets whatever piece of fruit tickles his fancy that day.

Our new park has a little rock wall! DanPar looks like such a badass.

If Crash boy's asleep but I'm still sick of being cooped up, going "out" sometimes just means the front yard.

Seconds before, DanPar had shared his applesauce with the reluctant eater, Crash Boy!

The park near our old place! (It's got THREE gyms in Pokemon Go. Never should have left...)

Just hanging out by the entrance of King Soopers, being sweet boys.


Teeting and totting with Mama!

If we're at the library on a day when I didn't sign us up for storytime, DanPar takes advantage of having all the trains to himself!

Those are my boys.

Most days, I will spend my borrowed time trying to take a nap, but lately, I've had crazy dreams that wake me up after ten minutes. And then, all of a sudden... I have time again!

It's not quite as delightful as truly being alone, because every moment I'm doing my own thing, if I hear one squeak from upstairs, I'll be running up, to make sure one doesn't wake up the other. But it's still a feeling I haven't had since Baby Crash was truly, truly a baby, sleeping most of the day.

I've got a resolution to finish a book this year, however bad a first draft it is, and I'm proud to say that I've been cranking it out pretty well since I got this free(ish) time! I'm keenly aware of the phenomenon where bragging about a project you're working on makes it less likely to get done, though, so that's all I'll say. (Unless you ask, and then I'll really get into it!)

All in all, I'm doing well, and the boys are doing excellent! They're starting to really get along, despite DanPar's reaction to Crash Boy playing with his toys. DanPar likes to get out, and hey, those balloons at the Dollar Tree? The sheer delight of having a balloon is worth much more than a buck. Just some honest advice there.

More and more, Daniel's been growing up. Really talking, really coming up with original things to say, even though he's borrowed some of my own favorite phrases: "It sure is!" and "Wuh oh!" and "Yeeup." It's strange to see him growing up, being molded into a little human being, with his own personality. I couldn't be prouder of him.

DanPar likes hugs! Crash Boy isn't sure what to make of them.

Reading a book to Baby Crash on the couch. His idea. My goodness.

Tuesday, July 11, 2017

Liking things

It's great to like things. When you like things, you can join up with others who like it, you can celebrate when things go well, and work to make things better. Paint your face, start a club, find websites all about the things you like!

And you can dislike things. That's also fine. But I've learned is that you shouldn't celebrate disliking things.

Justin Bieber is, to put it lightly, not everyone's cup of tea. But when I think about the people who don't like him, it isn't in the same way that some people don't like, say, banana flavor. People truly try to enjoy disliking him, mocking people who do like him, and try to make disliking him the "correct" stance.

To me, liking something means that you can get joy out of it, and that means you're investing a piece of your heart in its success. The thing you like does well, you feel good, and if it does badly, you feel that, too.

Disliking something in order to get pleasure out of it, however, is ephemeral, and bad. The only fleeting happiness is the cruel voice in your head that says that you must be better than the people who do like it.

Which is a shame.

Yup, that's all I've got to say! Here's pictures of my kids from today!

Tea party!

DanPar was upset Crash couldn't scoot up closer to the table, so he made a compromise.

Daniel likes the hose nozzle! I got SOAKED.

My boys like each other, and that's neat.

DanPar practicing his epic choking moves on his still-wet dad!