Tuesday, July 11, 2017

Liking things

It's great to like things. When you like things, you can join up with others who like it, you can celebrate when things go well, and work to make things better. Paint your face, start a club, find websites all about the things you like!

And you can dislike things. That's also fine. But I've learned is that you shouldn't celebrate disliking things.

Justin Bieber is, to put it lightly, not everyone's cup of tea. But when I think about the people who don't like him, it isn't in the same way that some people don't like, say, banana flavor. People truly try to enjoy disliking him, mocking people who do like him, and try to make disliking him the "correct" stance.

To me, liking something means that you can get joy out of it, and that means you're investing a piece of your heart in its success. The thing you like does well, you feel good, and if it does badly, you feel that, too.

Disliking something in order to get pleasure out of it, however, is ephemeral, and bad. The only fleeting happiness is the cruel voice in your head that says that you must be better than the people who do like it.

Which is a shame.

Yup, that's all I've got to say! Here's pictures of my kids from today!

Tea party!

DanPar was upset Crash couldn't scoot up closer to the table, so he made a compromise.

Daniel likes the hose nozzle! I got SOAKED.

My boys like each other, and that's neat.

DanPar practicing his epic choking moves on his still-wet dad!

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