Thursday, October 25, 2018

The Little Baby Echo Guy!

If you ask me, Echo was our easiest kid. Jessi, however, might tell you otherwise. When the boy's time in the womb was about up, and the midwife said that there was a quick and safe procedure that might speed things up, her eyes lit up! Of course, though, she asked me my thoughts. And I was honest. "You know, I'm supposed to help my buddy Brian brew some beer on Saturday, and if we have a kid now, I'll probably miss it. It really doesn't matter, it really is your decision, but you asked for my opinion, and there it is."

In the end, we went for it. And that night, we went to Noodles and Company. Tasty stuff! We picked up the boys from the Carbal's, and went home. They went to bed, and Jessi was in labor. We didn't really know that until her water broke, and we had to call over the neighbors and ask Mom to look after the boys!

There was traffic, almost didn't make it, needed an epidural, blah-dee-blah. In any case, I had a good book, and the night after he was born, I had the best rest I'd had in months, and as of writing this, the best since! Man, I felt GREAT.
Oh. And there was a baby, too. He was pretty cool! Cried, pooped, slept, ate... really, he's been like that his entire life. He's been very content. He likes to be held, and we're all too happy to oblige. he eats well, he spits up well, and he sleeps all right.

Now to the pictures!

The breakfast before Echo was born. Only these two boys, enjoying muffins and yogurt, and reading magazines!

The last picture of the boys before Echo came, playing baseball on the WiiU!

Mom holding the little boy! 

Crash Boy was shy at first, but he's grown to love the little Echo guy.

Such a new little boy. I'm really happy with him.

On the second night, he was crying, and so I held him, and we dozed off.

Finally snuggled up at home!

DanPar loved Echo from the first time he saw him.
The boys loved the buttons to move the bed!

DanPar came over when I changed Echo, and gave him kisses, and quietly, calmly, said, "It's okay. It's okay." Such a sweet guy.

Looking at their newest little brother!

Baby hiccups!

Me and my boys! I took this picture so that I could print it off for a party I went to that evening. Let me tell you, it's wonderful to have a photo to show off. It makes me smile.

Silly little boy, getting burped!

Such a sweet boy! Boop! Boop boop boop!

Me and the Echo guy.

Echo loves his Momma.

Tummy time done right.

Taking a bath at home! He is VERY calm about baths.

The blanket thing is a strategy from the nurses at the hospital. It seems to work!

Sweet little snuggled up boy.

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