Tuesday, March 19, 2019

They get it!

Sometimes my boys will just make me mad, and it's the worst way to find out that I'm stressed. I have a hard time telling how close I am to flipping my lid, but it's tough, because I know my boys don't need that. Anger won't help them grow.

So today, Crash Boy was crying. Screaming, because he wanted water. I'd given him enough, but he wanted more. I knew I was boiling over. I was tired, Echo was being sad and clingy, and it was all piling on top of me. I marched over to him, my emotions all aswirl, but before I could shout NO at the poor boy, I sat down next to him. "I'm sorry, kiddo. I'm really cranky right now because I need a nap and because Echo is crying. I am not going to get you water because I already gave you enough. I'm sorry."

The kid is 2. Most rational discussions are beyond him, but he's been on the receiving end of a cranky DanPar before, and he understood. He still wanted water, and he was still fussy, but I managed not to escalate. Four years into having kids, and my temper, which hasn't been a big deal in my adult life, appears to be one of my biggest problems. It'll flare up out of the blue.

What really spoke to me was a quote I read somewhere.

"When my kids are in trouble, I don't want them to think that they need to hide things from me. I want to be the first person they call."

It's so true. I need to keep this in mind with my discipline. And today I took one step in the right direction. Demonstrating what it's like to talk about my feelings. I don't blame the kids. It's not easy.

Here are some animated gifs of my boys!

Such a sweet boy with such a sweet smile!

All my boys, all squashed together! 
He eats solids!

Taking the barefoot leap!

Just trying to get the ONE good picture, but here's all the outtakes!

My crazy-haired Crash Boy! These boys and sticking out their tongues!

They sure are creative in their recklessness!

I love these big posters! Crash Boy does, too!

Monday, March 18, 2019

A chock full Saturday!

On Saturday, we baked a pie, I went out with Jessi's phone and played Pokemon Go for an hour with friends, I delivered some of the pie and chatted with neighbors for a half an hour, and then went to a friend's birthday party, schmoozing and talking and making friends and playing games and eventually doing the dishes at 2am.

I am very grateful to have a life that I can fill with so many things. There's always the draw of sitting back and doing nothing, which sure is nice, but the more I experience, the more I live. And it's so nice to feel alive. :)

Friday, March 15, 2019

DanPar and Crash

I still remember when Crash became more of a friend to DanPar than I was. Of course, it's the healthy thing to do. But I think it's so weird. Crash is only 2! DanPar is 4! And yet, these boys are the best of friends.

They've slept in the same room for give-or-take a year, they've sat at the same table for every meal, and they'll play with each other. Whatever one does, the other one does. They are so close.

I find myself more and more often as the referee in their interactions. I see them trading books, sharing toys, and deciding what they should do next. The rules that I'm enforcing are their rules! I love how these two goobers are the best of friends.

Having a pre-blizzard lunch!

Little lemmings!

Hiding from each other in the living room.

Hiding in a laundry basket!

They are just so happy!