Friday, March 15, 2019

DanPar and Crash

I still remember when Crash became more of a friend to DanPar than I was. Of course, it's the healthy thing to do. But I think it's so weird. Crash is only 2! DanPar is 4! And yet, these boys are the best of friends.

They've slept in the same room for give-or-take a year, they've sat at the same table for every meal, and they'll play with each other. Whatever one does, the other one does. They are so close.

I find myself more and more often as the referee in their interactions. I see them trading books, sharing toys, and deciding what they should do next. The rules that I'm enforcing are their rules! I love how these two goobers are the best of friends.

Having a pre-blizzard lunch!

Little lemmings!

Hiding from each other in the living room.

Hiding in a laundry basket!

They are just so happy!

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