Friday, June 12, 2020

What will I remember?

The same podcast that told me that I'll forget things that I don't write down also recommended that we take advantage of this time of our lives to make an effort to choose what we will remember! Otherwise, our memory will be of remembering the things we couldn't do.

So here's what I'll remember doing!

Jigsaw puzzles!
We started giving Crash and DanPar some jumbo puzzles, of the United States and of the solar system! DanPar always wants to take things further when he knows there's a step further, so he asked for one of the 550 piece puzzles! Haha, okay, sure thing, kiddo! But, within a couple weeks, we, the adults, found ourselves staying up at night to finish putting them together! I'd never been big into puzzles, but during the quarantine, we got into it!

The puzzles our boys started doing!

Eventually, we moved onto bigger and better things!

Dailyish fountain walks!
Most days, I just needed a chance to get out and plug in my earbuds and listen to the news. Mom insisted that wearing out the boys outside was really important, and while I can't disagree, the wagon is just so handy. Easy to take care of the boys when they're all nice and contained! It's about a ten-minute walk to the fountain at the entrance to Mom's neighborhood, and it was great to get out.

We found a worm!

What happy boys!

Bath bombs!
Jessi loves herself some hobbies, and she'd just started getting into bath bombs when everything went down. The lockdown, the house selling, all of it. But even in the middle of it all, she kept close track of her bath bomb supplies we'd ordered! Every once in a while, when she was "working", she'd call me in to smell some scents she'd ordered and get my opinion. The first time she used a bath bomb, it was such a strong cherry flavor that the entire basement smelled overpoweringly delicious for days! We have both been taking more baths than normal, because, hey, we've got to use them up before we jut overproduce! Also, baths are delightful. 

This is just a picture I stole from the internet, but ours are basically like this but better!

Jessi loves herself some hobbies, as I feel like I've mentioned, and everyone benefits from them. We put out some water, some flour, and let the natural yeast in the air get into it! Just last night, we baked our first loaf, and it's already almost gone! It's super tasty, it turned out great, and that's just after a two-week old starter! We already have plans to bake another loaf tomorrow!

Yummmmm! The crust is so good!

Apparently one of the secrets is baking it in a thing with a lid!

DanPar Mountain, Crash Boy Hill, Echo Meadow!
There's a big open grassy space next to Mom's house, and the boys enjoy going over to look at the little stream, where we found crawdads! And we flew a kite out there! And we've gone on picnic up on top of a little hill (called DanPar Mountain, or DanPar's Famous Mountain), and we even planted some little flags just in case any other young explorers start getting the idea that they got there first!

Windy day for my sweet brave Echo Guy!

Picnic up on DanPar Mountain!

Home Gallery!
In the middle of all this, our house kept moving forward. So of the few times we left our house, two of them were to travel to the Home Gallery and choose what the interior of our house would look like! Jessi came with everything prepared, and my job was twofold: First, to give my opinion, which outside of the kitchen sink, wasn't always too strong, and Second, to make sure that Jessi got all her questions out there and move things along. Our designer Robin could barely keep up with us, and we were in constant email contact with her! After the first session, we were excited but nervous. After the second session, however, we were PSYCHED. We were bursting at the seams with how awesome things were going to look!

THAT is what I'm talking about. YESSSSSSSSSSSSS.

I just thought it was interesting to take note that we had to touch every sample with gloves on. What a weird year.

A big picture of a bunch of different samples that we're using!

Into The Breach!
I love me some videogames, and during the quarantine, I started playing Into The Breach! I fought off a bunch of aliens, saved the Earth several times over, and eventually, I got 100% of all the achievements! It was great. I don't have too much more to say, but I enjoyed it SO MUCH.

At this point, the game was impossible. There was a 18% chance I could've won, but the odds didn't pan out. I really really tried, though. It was hard enough getting this far with only flying mechs! (One of my last achievements!)

Black Bean Burger Thursdays!
We're not vegetarians, but fun cooking is fun, and what's more fun than competition? Every Thursday, we've been taking turns preparing black bean burgers! I liked mine best, but everyone has done a very good job with them! Joe, for his part, bought some MorningStar black bean burgers, and I'm glad for it! It's been fun to have this weekly tradition! We have yet to decide on who's is winning the trophy, so we're all going to keep making them!

Mine were ugly, but I really liked them, and everyone went back for seconds!

Mom's stuck together best, and were probably the best...for NOW....

"I belong to the sea!"
Echo loves the water, and we didn't really know it until we went to Hine Lake and we couldn't get him out of there! I had to grab him and drag him away, and as soon as I set him down, he'd turn around and toddle as fast as he could towards the lake! Speaking for him, I dramatically said "I belong to the sea!" and it was just the funniest thing Mom or the boys had ever heard, so now we say it whenever the little guy expresses his fondness for the water! Which, considering we've been filling up the turtle kiddie pool in the backyard every day, is pretty often!

Our trip out to Hine Lake! What a fun group!

The turtle pool!

I'm going to write these out and put them up somewhere so I can remember what I'm choosing to remember from this CRAZY time!

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