Monday, August 31, 2020

Dad and Daniel do Kindergarten!

 We're through one week of Kindergarten, and so far, so okay! DanPar started off really shy, and, well, he's still shy, but at least he's willing to sit in front of the camera now!

DanPar's first class, lying on the ground away from the computer.

He's very quiet, very hesitant to talk, but last time he confided in me that he did want to share his drawing of what makes him special, so I told him to raise his hand. He barely raised it; it was under his shoulder. But Ms. Furay (pronounced "fury") noticed it, and Daniel talked all about his exploding creeper shirt, how much he likes Cap'n Crunch, and his four-layer rainbow dice!

He's my special guy!

He's been doing better each day; I've been next to him every time, as we start with small 30-minute classes. We'll see how he does this week, when we extend them to 90 minutes! I may have to leave to take care of the others as we go; we'll see!

Very much improved!

Well, there's nothing like Kindergarten to get my own thoughts on track. It's nice to think about those very fundamental concepts, and it's been, I don't know, therapeutic? We talked about what to do when you're worried (talk about it), and what makes us special! For me, it's that I like Dungeons and Dragons, I listen to NPR, I like spicy things, and I help people see that they belong and that they matter. (That last one is sort of my personal superpower.)

There was a lesson on hopes and dreams, and DanPar drew himself fighting a zombie. And that's all right by me. Maybe I could make a game where he pretends to do different jobs when he grows up. But what's important to me now is that he knows how to play nice, be nice, and follow directions when asked by an adult in charge. He's my very good boy.

He's doing a good job, and it's fun for me to sit down and participate in all of their activities!

It's a crazy world, it's not the Kindergarten we were all asking for, but by gum, it's the Kindergarten we've got, and we're making the most of it! I am proud of my boy.

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