Friday, February 26, 2021


 Yesterday was a snow day for all the schools! ...except ours, because it's online, and whoever makes decisions like this does not like children.

That didn't stop us from making the most of the last couple snowy days! My goodness, though. I'm beat. Crash Boy slammed into me boot-first right in my leg, so I've been limping! (But I did shoot out my leg so he wouldn't hit Echo, so at least it's a heroic kind of injury.) And I'm sooooo tired, and don't want to do anything.

It takes a lot to do what I think is right for my boys. Ugh. Blah. Blah and ugh. I'm hurt, I'm sore, I'm tired, and tomorrow is another day.

One cool snowman! Mostly Aunt Jessica's doing, but I contributed the shades and smile!

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