Friday, May 21, 2021

The summer is coming!

 Tell you what, there are a lot of things to look forward to right now, and here they are!


I like nice weather. And we've finally got grass coming in, so I don't need to worry about my kids coming back inside covered in mud! And it's soooooooooo nice to be able to just tell my boys to go outside. No big jackets, and shoes only if I'm feeling particularly motivated. (Or sometimes Echo just wants shoes and won't take no for an answer.)


No more school for Daniel. It's been getting harder by the week, and I've been less and less interested in keeping up the battle to motivate him to do his work. I really really hope he ends up doing first grade in-person next year, so I don't have to be taking care of his brothers and the house while also making sure he's doing his work. I hope we all appreciate our teachers more after this year.


Tomorrow will be two weeks past our second shots of Moderna, and I look forward to it all. I just want to be out and about without the extra worry. Taking three kids somewhere is no easy task as it is, and so, with the added difficulty of the COVID pandemic, I've been avoiding it all. But I look forward to that casual interaction with other parents I've just met, and seeing my boys socialize with kids they've just met.

Goodness, Crash Boy is so cute around other kids. They'll be talking about anything, and he'll interrupt them with "Yeah, but, my name is Crash-A-Boy. Or Crash. And that's Daniel. And that's Echo. And that's Dad."

And Daniel is just so excited to be with other kids. Especially older ones. I'm sure he gets a little tired of being the big one. Not often, but sometimes.


The park that's just a stone's throw from our house, Lemon Lime, is a great little park, and we've been going once or twice a day recently, sometimes bringing a quick picnic! It's surely going to be a staple for the summer.

It's been a rough year, but things are looking up!

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