Tuesday, March 29, 2022

Jessi is GREAT for me!

 I think it's absolutely WONDERFUL being married to Jessi. She's my best friend, and we have fun together. We have fun sitting down playing games, or even just chatting while one of us is doing some chore. We have a great time just swapping ideas about our imaginative ideas and written worlds. We work well together cooking AND cleaning, and we've got that psychic connection where we know if one of us needs a hug or to be left alone.

And when I'm overwhelmed and want to be alone, she's got no problem with me zoning out, spending time by myself even when we're in the house together. Someone that I can recharge around.

Also, we make each other better people, inspiring each other to do things that on our own we just wouldn't do. And we snuggle and hold hands and just love to be next to each other.

I am happily in love with my wife, and it's awesome!

It just deserved to be said! :)


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