Tuesday, December 5, 2023

Short Parent-Teacher Conferences

It's a common thing between teachers that the shorter the conference, the better. If the teacher has problems with a student, they'll hash it out there. If the parent has concerns about the teacher, they'll hash it out there.

Daniel's Conference

Preschool - Mrs. Rose
Kindergarten - Ms. Furay
1st grade - Ms. Ayler
2nd grade - Ms. Snyder
3rd grade - Ms. Ramsey

How is Daniel doing? Daniel is doing great!
We walked into the conference right on time, and sat down. We looked through a few standardized tests, and Ms. Ramsey walked us through what each data point meant. In short, each data point meant that Daniel is one smart cookie, in reading, writing, and math! He could stand to do more detailed writing, but ultimately, he's 1,000% good to go!

Crash's Conference

Kindergarten - Mrs. Christianson
1st grade - Ms. Ayler

How is Crash doing? Crash is doing great!
The conference before ours ran a little over time, and so the boys got antsy, and we got antsy. Long conferences can only mean trouble! But when we came in, Ms. Ayler assured us that Crash was doing great, and was at a 2nd grade level in reading and math! She brought out the standardized test, but after one conference, we already knew how to read the data! So there wasn't much more to say! She chatted for a little bit, talking about retiring someday (but don't worry, she said she'd be there for Echo in two years)!

Echo's Conference

Preschool - Ms. Powell

How is Echo doing? Echo is doing great!
Our preschool has great, caring teachers, but when it comes to the administrative, technical side... they can be a bit hard to figure out. I couldn't for the life of me figure it out how to sign up for conferences, and no one was really answering my emails. So one day, before getting Echo, I found Ms. Powell and asked her how to sign up for conferences. She said to me, "Echo is smart, we use his work as an example for the other kids, and he has a lot of friends. There! Conference done!" Soooooo, if a short conference is a good thing, then Echo has them all beat! 😊

And that's that! Our kids are a smart quarter-dozen cookies!

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