Friday, June 19, 2015

Dad Skillz: How to hold your six-month old!

The "Grade School Bully"
DanPar loves the roughhousing!  I can always count on this one for a smile.  Of course, not for the camera, though.

The "Sack o' Potatoes"
I just love hauling him around.  He usually protests this hold with squeaks and shrieks!  (But he loves it.)

The "Psion"
For many years, I have studied the ancient art of half-assed Photoshop.

The "Football: Spectator Sport Version"
There's a football hold you use for newborns, to support their head.  Well, he can hold it up, so it's a good one-handed way of showing him off!

The "Mega-Piggyback"
It's mega because he's on my shoulders!  Also, he's got a death grip on my hair.  What an awesome kid.

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