Thursday, July 9, 2015

Cups of Coffee, 7/9/15

     So, I get a lot of questions. Such as, "Looks like you're on baby duty, eh?" or "I bet your wife appreciates a day off, doesn't she?"
     But the question I get all the time is, "Man, you are such a cool guy. Can you tell me the three coolest things that you've done recently?"

     Yes. Yes, I can.

Cup of coffee #13:  I made a Pac-Man dungeon!

The center ghost is Namco, an evil warden of Arcadia.
        Have you ever noticed that Dadmaster and Dungeonmaster both have the initials DM? I have. In fact, that's probably how I thought up the name Dadmaster. In any case, last Monday, our heroes used a coin to descend into a dungeon named Arcadia, where they had to pick up all the pages to reassemble a magical ritual book. It was possibly my favorite gaming experience ever. Let me tell you; DMing is such a rush.

Cup of coffee #14:  Joined Weigh and Win!

Now that's portion control! He's done eating, so he just pours it all out!
Colorado's got a pretty badass program to help people achieve a healthy weight. Now, even my wife has told me that I looked crazy hella good when I got back from a ROTC course at Fort Knox. I weighed around 185 pounds then, and I had a good amount of muscle. So my goal is 185, which, from my current perspective, is about 33 pounds in the not-as-fun direction when it comes to body weight. But I feel like I can use any incentive I can get. And hey, if I reach that, I get 45 bucks! YOU'RE ON.

Cup of coffee #15:  Started work on a platformer!

That's right. I remembered that I actually know a thing or two about programming (but no more, I swear), and started working on a Flash game. As you can see, there's me, with my Dadmaster DM shirt on, punching in the general direction of a red dot. (SO AWESOME.)

There wasn't nearly enough DanPar in this post, so here you go!

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