Wednesday, September 23, 2015

Note to self:

Mom spit can remove any smudge.
Dad sweat? Not so much.

Anyone else looking forward to cooler weather?

Monday, September 21, 2015

Getting my flu shot!

Receptionist: "All right, we're all done here! You and your boy can go!"
Woody: "Well, I saw you give a few of those other kids some suckers."
Receptionist: "Oh, yes. Is your baby old enough to have hard candy?"
Woody: "Uh, well, he isn't..."

I can't believe I'm considered an adult sometimes.

Sunday, September 13, 2015

Your new desktop picture!

Fits on 1920x1080 screens!
You know it's the cutest picture ever.
Why resist?

Friday, September 11, 2015

Buying a ball for the DanPar!

One of DanPar's contemporaries/cousin-in-laws/just-cousins-maybe, Jaxton, is six months older than him. His first word? Ball. (Jody, if I'm wrong, sorry!) But you know what? My boy didn't even have a ball! So, yesterday, I went to the store to remedy that.

 But in the kids' section, I found balls for nine bucks. Like WHAT? That's the price of a legit soccer ball, yo! Kids' toys are crazy marked up!
So, that wasn't happening. But one aisle over, and what do I find, but an eight-pack of plastic practice baseballs! And in such a fun neon color! Oh, and for half the price of one stinkin' toy ball.

So what else was I gonna do?
I think I made the right choice.


Tuesday, September 8, 2015

The best news from the doctor ever!

Gee, Woody, is DanPar actually really big?
Haha, nope! He's still below average on everything size-wise!

Well, golly, did they find out he's not truly a redhead?
Haha, nope! Cheeto hair is what my boy will always have!

Gosh, does this mean what I think it means?

"Well, he should pretty much be eating whatever you guys are eating."


So, to me, this is one of the things that makes him more of a person. Still not walking, still not talking, but MY BOY AND I CAN SPLIT A QUESADILLA, and that means a lot to a food-loving dude like me!

Also, audiobooks are wonderful. I can't believe I'm going to have to start watching for foul language soon, though. PARENTING AHH