Sunday, February 21, 2016

Personal time

A couple weeks ago, I had an incredible and invigorating weekend.

But before that, let me tell you something about being a stay-at-home dude.
It's freaking LONELY, but in such a way that all I want to do is be alone.

I don't have time that's all mine anymore. I need to drop anything I'm doing in a moment's notice. So even when I'm sitting by the window, reading Batman with a cup of coffee, it's just not the same when I know that when that little whine comes through the baby monitor, I'd better find the nearest flattish thing to use as a bookmark, because time's up! (Papa Murphy's coupon.)

Also, I highly suggest Gotham Central. It's gooooood.

So. I made the decision a few weeks ago, when I was at wit's end, to just start telling people about my ordeal. And so, on Tuesday, I got a phone call from my brother-out-law, Jon, aka, "Mr. Cuddles". (Jessi's sister's husband.) He had a Saturday free, and he offered to let me come on up to Fort Collins and spend a day there.

And thus, I readied myself for a tough Diplomacy skill check with my wife.
"Hey, Hon, is there any chance you could look after the boy this Saturday?"
"Yeah, sure."
"Yeah, I'll just take him over to my parents."
"Oh. Is that okay?"
"Mmhmm! No problem!"
"Ah. sure?"
After such a harsh negotiation, needless to say, our marriage was hanging by a thread. But yeah, I was actually (shamefully) surprised at how accommodating my wife is. You know. Almost like she likes me or something. Crazy!

Saturday morning came, and I was more than excited. At 6:00, I began the trek up to Fort Collins, listening to Pride and Prejudice. And right off the bat, it was GLORIOUS. Why? Because I felt like I could do anything I wanted to do, even though I was in a car!
I could turn up the volume, I could drink a smoothie, I could...well, really, I could do normal driving, but without having to turn around and think about the little guy in the backseat!

Probably the first picture I've taken with my phone that didn't include a baby.

And so, for the first stop on my journey, about 20 minutes away from my sister-in-law and brother-out-law's house, I went to Johnson's Corner. And had coffee. And had a cinnamon roll. And sat. And read books that weren't about Choo-Choo Trains. And wrote little notes on pieces of paper. And talked to a waitress about something that wasn't baby-related.
It was all the guilty pleasure of taking your ring off and heading to a bar, except, you know, not terrible. I was able to leave my Dadmastery behind, and just be a dude in a hoodie who wants a cinnamon roll as big as his head.
And check this out, I left my spot to go to the bathroom. By myself.

I showed Jessi this; she lamented the lack of frosting.

And then I met up with my brother-out-law, and we ate sushi. SUSHI. Didn't have to share with a child. And we talked about politics and intelligent design and intellectual crap like that! Did I have to act excited that he found a Cheerio on the ground? NOPE. That would have been WEIRD. So we returned to their place, played Mass Effect while sitting in a foot massage machine, only getting up to get another can of beer out of the bathtub.

This dude was all like, "I'm gonna smash this asteroid into this planet!" And Shepard was all like, "Nuh uh!"

That night, oh, man, that night. Went to the bar Dungeons and Drafts, ate delicious sausage with delicious mustard and delicious gravy, drank MEAD (freaking MEAD y'all!), had two shots back to back, and ordered a fruity beer with a high ABV from a TANKARD, while playing Stratego (and getting my ass handed to me)!

Thank goodness I had a shirt for the occasion!

The next morning, around 4:45, I had a cup of coffee with Jon, and headed down South to have some breakfast, buy some stuff from Albertson's (by myself!), and gave blood. Gave. Blood. I can't tell you how exciting it is to be able to give blood, because it doesn't exactly make sense. But the phlebotomists (probably means "vampires") are just such fun people to talk to and ask about things! And then I helped a friend move into a new house, even though I wasn't supposed to lift heavy things right after giving blood!

Probably was only able to help move stuff because I took a health and mana potion the night before!
(But it's really just alcohol! Oh my!)

It was an invigorating weekend. And I feel wonderful. Forget a spa day. Just let me eat breakfast alone, play Stratego, and give blood, and I'm ready to rock.

Thursday, February 18, 2016

Cups of Coffee, 2/18/16

     I realize I don't have much to say. I have a few small things to say. And hey, that's why I came up with these little "Cups of coffee" blog posts. Because My thoughts are often as profound as they are long. That is to say, not very much.

Cup of coffee #16:  Our little comedy duo!

        Being married is so much fun. Not only are you getting epic snuggles every night (and usually getting pushed off the bed when the DanPar gets hungry and joins in), but one thing that I noticed is how great it is that we know exactly how to make each other laugh! And here's the thing. It's all stupid humor. Terrible puns, weird faces, all that. But it's gold. PURE GOLD. Because there's just something about your best friend / partner for life / woman of your dreams making a ridiculous face at you that just can't be beat.
        The plan is for DanPar to alternate being silly along with us and being embarrassed to know us. We all know where he's going to end up. :)

Cup of coffee #17:  DanPar's chair!

Flopping on up!
        About a month ago, I brought out a nice soft cozy chair (a papasan, according to everyone who knows better) so that I could sit by the window with some coffee and read Batman comics. When Daniel noticed there was a new scoop-like chair, he did what he always did with empty things. He filled it up with stuff. Upon realizing that all of his stuff was now in a chair, out of sheer will, he learned how to climb up onto a chair, by throwing himself at it, getting his weight above it, and kicking his dangling legs until he was on it!
        We're still working on how exactly to teach him to get down...

Good luck getting that fierce monster off the chair!

Cup of coffee #18:  A little man.

Our dude is old enough to look like THIS.
        He is 14 months old. And he's already toddling around. He is one that toddles. He may even be considered a toddler. And you know what that means? Time is actually progressing. But that's impossible! He's a little BABY! So what if he can walk, choose his own food, take little bites responsibly, point at toys and approximate their names, and kick a ball around the living room? He's my little guy, and he's going to be my baby until he's old enough to vote! And then maybe even longer. Depends on how cute he is by then, really.

This gem of a picture was taken over a year ago!
He's the saddest little baby in the skyyyyyyy!!!

Wednesday, February 10, 2016

Being human

Yesterday, I had the opportunity to thank a police officer for what he does, and shake his hand.

Unfortunately, this was after he served me a speeding ticket.
Because yeah, I suck. It's true. I wasn't paying attention to my speed, and so I got a little ahead of myself.

And of course, I felt the gamut of negative feelings.
Where was this guy when that one jerk almost merged right into me?
What's the big idea? I was obviously not out of control!
Ugh. What am I going to say to Jessi? I doubt I can just sweep this under the rug.

What. Rotten. Luck.

But you know what? That's okay. I was speeding. I'm imperfect. And for those ten minutes, I had to slam my fist down on the "OVERRIDE" button, and will myself to see the situation from the perspective I wish I always could.
This police officer is doing his job. And he sure wasn't acting super happy to start out someone's day with this sort of BLAH. Besides, even though he was just sitting with a speed gun yesterday, doesn't mean he won't be risking his life today to keep others safe.

Yum yum!

And so, when he'd given me all the information about my ticket, and answered my questions, he told me to drive safe.
"Thank you, officer." I said. And I awkwardly brought my hand out of the window to shake his. He closed his hand around it powerfully, but kindly, and I hope he understands that I bear him no ill will.

Even now, about 24 hours after the event, I'm thinking about how much I wish time travel was possible. I'm still not happy about it. But I'm glad I gave him appreciation.

Also, I think if I'd let myself get angry about it, it probably would have ruined the day I had. Go Broncos!