Wednesday, February 10, 2016

Being human

Yesterday, I had the opportunity to thank a police officer for what he does, and shake his hand.

Unfortunately, this was after he served me a speeding ticket.
Because yeah, I suck. It's true. I wasn't paying attention to my speed, and so I got a little ahead of myself.

And of course, I felt the gamut of negative feelings.
Where was this guy when that one jerk almost merged right into me?
What's the big idea? I was obviously not out of control!
Ugh. What am I going to say to Jessi? I doubt I can just sweep this under the rug.

What. Rotten. Luck.

But you know what? That's okay. I was speeding. I'm imperfect. And for those ten minutes, I had to slam my fist down on the "OVERRIDE" button, and will myself to see the situation from the perspective I wish I always could.
This police officer is doing his job. And he sure wasn't acting super happy to start out someone's day with this sort of BLAH. Besides, even though he was just sitting with a speed gun yesterday, doesn't mean he won't be risking his life today to keep others safe.

Yum yum!

And so, when he'd given me all the information about my ticket, and answered my questions, he told me to drive safe.
"Thank you, officer." I said. And I awkwardly brought my hand out of the window to shake his. He closed his hand around it powerfully, but kindly, and I hope he understands that I bear him no ill will.

Even now, about 24 hours after the event, I'm thinking about how much I wish time travel was possible. I'm still not happy about it. But I'm glad I gave him appreciation.

Also, I think if I'd let myself get angry about it, it probably would have ruined the day I had. Go Broncos!

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