Thursday, February 18, 2016

Cups of Coffee, 2/18/16

     I realize I don't have much to say. I have a few small things to say. And hey, that's why I came up with these little "Cups of coffee" blog posts. Because My thoughts are often as profound as they are long. That is to say, not very much.

Cup of coffee #16:  Our little comedy duo!

        Being married is so much fun. Not only are you getting epic snuggles every night (and usually getting pushed off the bed when the DanPar gets hungry and joins in), but one thing that I noticed is how great it is that we know exactly how to make each other laugh! And here's the thing. It's all stupid humor. Terrible puns, weird faces, all that. But it's gold. PURE GOLD. Because there's just something about your best friend / partner for life / woman of your dreams making a ridiculous face at you that just can't be beat.
        The plan is for DanPar to alternate being silly along with us and being embarrassed to know us. We all know where he's going to end up. :)

Cup of coffee #17:  DanPar's chair!

Flopping on up!
        About a month ago, I brought out a nice soft cozy chair (a papasan, according to everyone who knows better) so that I could sit by the window with some coffee and read Batman comics. When Daniel noticed there was a new scoop-like chair, he did what he always did with empty things. He filled it up with stuff. Upon realizing that all of his stuff was now in a chair, out of sheer will, he learned how to climb up onto a chair, by throwing himself at it, getting his weight above it, and kicking his dangling legs until he was on it!
        We're still working on how exactly to teach him to get down...

Good luck getting that fierce monster off the chair!

Cup of coffee #18:  A little man.

Our dude is old enough to look like THIS.
        He is 14 months old. And he's already toddling around. He is one that toddles. He may even be considered a toddler. And you know what that means? Time is actually progressing. But that's impossible! He's a little BABY! So what if he can walk, choose his own food, take little bites responsibly, point at toys and approximate their names, and kick a ball around the living room? He's my little guy, and he's going to be my baby until he's old enough to vote! And then maybe even longer. Depends on how cute he is by then, really.

This gem of a picture was taken over a year ago!
He's the saddest little baby in the skyyyyyyy!!!

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