Friday, May 20, 2016

DanPar with GrandMar!

A couple nights ago, we had the opportunity to ditch the boy at Grandmar's!

For the day, I hung out there and did crafts, while DanPar hung out with cousin Cody!
This picture makes DanPar look GIGANTIC!!!

This is the art Mom does:
Fake flowers!
This is the craft we did!
Fake swords!
I'm finally going to get the chance to use these boffer swords tomorrow, too! Can't wait!
Jousting Cody!
Jessi and I then went to a charity cocktail party, raising money for kids to go to summer camp. And I have to say, it made me miss my teaching days. Just being able to talk to children who can talk back is amazing.
They took the picture too soon; we didn't have time to coordinate!
(As I write this, two neighbor kids went outside to have a fake robot fight, mechanically chanting, "DESTROY. DESTROY. DESTROY." I hope I appreciate those days when they come.)

On the ride home, we talked about what we would do that night. Something that we usually can't do with our DanPar in tow. So we decided to go out and see a movie! We've had gift cards for so long, and I was gonna wear my special Captain America: Civil War outfit!
Had to borrow DanPar's light-up sneakers.
But all the movie times were too late for us, so we decided to just stay at home and play Minecraft.
Rainbow railway!
Our farms.
(Yes, we grow cactus.)
Jessi let her team know that night that she was probably going to come in late the next day.
Because we have so much fun together. I hear a lot of parents talk about how whenever they're away from their kids, all they can do is think about their littl'uns, but we really didn't miss the little guy that much. Sure, we looked at a few pictures of him from the day, but we were mostly just worried because the boy doesn't like napping at other houses.
GrandMar with DanPar and JaiMar!
But the boy was super happy the next day when I went to get him, and I was greeted with the expression I usually get from him: "Mama?"

He had a blast, and he had the chalk on his pants to prove it!

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