Tuesday, May 31, 2016

Nothing but skin and bruises!

When DanPar was but a wee lad, he was one clumsy little guy. He'd topple into toys, and bonk his head however he could. And when he was but a wee lad, whenever he fell or bumped into something (which is what babies are pretty much perfectly designed to do), he'd look at his mom and dad, and we'd lift up our hands, and say, "Yay!"
We wanted him to be fearless in exploring, even if he took a couple hits on the way. And you know what? It worked! He isn't afraid of anything! He'll run around with reckless abandon, he'll climb up and stand on furniture, he'll squeeze himself into small spaces, he'll slide down stairs rather than take them slowly...
You know, it definitely worked, but sometimes I worry that it worked too well. He laughs through all his misadventures now, but as Jessi and I say about our little dude, he's nothing but skin and bruises!
And he's the happiest little beat-up dude ever. :)

Running outside in the rain, because you know what? Our kid is great, and clothes are easy to wash.

Sitting in the wagon meant for toys. He climbed in all on his own!

Aforementioned "standing on furniture." That's my boy!
Flopping down in the pile of cushions he put there himself, so that he had something soft to fall into!

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