Tuesday, August 2, 2016


I've always had an unwritten rule that when the boy is awake, all computers and TVs are not. I continue to have mixed success with this, because during his nap yesterday, I was mowing, raking, weeding, spraying, and planning, so when he woke up, I gave a nice big "meh" and we had a delightful lunch with the Justice League.

Happy little guy!
It's a tough battle of willpower, and it always is, especially when I just got a fancy new phone, and I'd love nothing more than to play around with it. But when the boy's up, I try to only use it for responding to people and taking pictures.

Baby selfie!
(And big ol' hairy dad arm selfie!)
But I knew things were going to be difficult when I heard him repeat words he recognized in the car listening to Crime and Punishment. And while Fyodor Dostoevsky didn't exactly use nasty language, the book revolves around a pretty terrible double murder by the protagonist with his Axe of Hubris +3.

I know I won't be able to keep him inside a bubble forever. (Although after a small case of Hand-Foot-Mouth Disease, we're treating him like a leper.) And part of me is eager to start watching superhero cartoons with him, to discuss what it means to be a hero, the value of teamwork, and how cool it would be to have laser vision. And I'm a teacher, so I've got the book-learnin' to understand how I can structure this and make it happen.

It's one of the most valuable lessons in life. You know that someday you're going to be lazy, so if you plan ahead, you can still eat healthy, you can still do your job, and you can still be productive.

As for me, I have successfully taught my son his first sentence! EDUCATION.

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