Thursday, October 6, 2016

"He's a snuggler!"

No parent could survive without putting a positive spin on just about everything their newborn does. So we like to say that he's a snuggler, which actually means that he's a snuggler, OR ELSE...

For us, the absolute hardest thing to deal with is that baby Crash is always in one of two states:

1) He is upset at the world.

2) He is being snuggled.

As far as we can tell, there is no in between. But he is still a wonderful boy. Because of DanPar, I know what this little larva can grow up to be, so I'm a lot more forgiving. He's filling out his wrinkly old man skin, too, and he's starting to look like DanPar, which is high praise! (In case you forgot, DanPar is the cutest kid ever.)

This is his version of the hand motion for Itsy Bitsy Spider's "WASHED the spider out" lyriv
Some conspiracy theorists have even dared tell me his brown hair looks a tad auburn in the sunlight. But by gum, we will NOT be the Weasleys!

One cool little dude.

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