Sunday, January 15, 2017

What a heck!

DanPar is  a nice kid who is clever enough to ask for ice water if he wants it. Yesterday, however, the reason he wanted it was to pour it into other cups and onto his tea party table. I didn't catch on until the third time he asked for water was followed only a few seconds by his fourth time, with the empty cup in hand.
He calls them "twenty-six cups!" It's more like 12, but kudos for spitballing above ten, right?
I came in, and exclaimed, "What the heck!" And I scrambled to get some cloths to clean it up. When I'd cleaned up his mad experiment, pouring cups of water into other cups, I looked at him, he looked at me, and with the grin of a child who knows he's just learned something beyond what he should, he said, "What a heck!"

And he kept saying that.
All. Day. Long.

When his nap was over, and he still hadn't forgotten the phrase, I decided to let him have so much fun he'd forget the little joys of knowing an almost-swear.

Jessi had taken the Crash Boy out and about, so it was just Mr. Par and me. I sit him down in the driver's seat of the car, and took out my phone.

The results are as follows:

We are intellectuals.

We are pandas.

This one turned out really well!

Then I noticed that there was a Pokestop at the nearby King Soopers, and not only that, it had a LURE on it!!! (Translation: A phone game I play practically forced me go to the store.)
While there, I bought an apple for the little guy, and ordered a five-dollar pizza, with chicken, zucchini, and sausage.
We learned a new idea, too! Was it Daniel's pizza? Not entirely. Was it Dad's pizza? Not entirely. It was our pizza. And he was just as excited to learn about the collective possessive pronoun as he was to learn "What a heck!"
He made me cook more zucchini and cheese to put on it!
When his mom and baby brother came home, he was doing his best to keep his eyes open, because his Dad had kicked his ass.
But that boy is never too tired for a smile. :)

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