Sunday, June 10, 2018

The tangle

I once heard an answer to the question, "Why are headphone cables always tangled?" The answer went something like this:

Every one of the 36 inches of the cable can be straight or twisted. The odds are very low that every single inch would happen to not be twisted.

I feel like I worded that badly, but I'll charge ahead. Yesterday, we went to a birthday party! And in this huge indoor playplace, with dozens of other kids, and our two running around, there were at least 36 ways that things could have gone wrong. But you know what? They didn't happen! It was a really great party, and from playground to pizza to presents, our boys did marvelously! I'm proud of the little guys.

And also, they are wonderful at playing together! It's so weird. At first, I was afraid that when Crash Boy showed up, DanPar would feel like our fun together would have to slow down, but it was right when he was learning how to play by himself! And then when I started to play with Crash, I was worried that he would miss me whenever I did something with DanPar. But again, I didn't need to worry; DanPar loved to do things with me in front of Crash, like he was an audience. And now here they are, playing together, best of friends.

There was a time when I'd say I was Daniel's best friend. Probably up until Crash started eating well, and got up and moving and laughing and playing. And while I miss being his best friend, it's good that I don't have to juggle being his friend and being his dad. And it's also handy, because I can leave them alone for just long enough to take a shower some days!

I don't know who started lining them up, but the other joined in!

DanPar showing Crash how tall he is!

Pushing his brother on the swing!

Having lunch to go!

Swinging on the hammock!
(Very dangerous, I would not recommend it!)

Climbing in to see his brother!

No kidding, Crash Boy climbed up there all by himself. They both just... played!

Running around to go up and down again!

Meeting on the slide!

The sweet boys running around together!

My current favorite  picture of them both. DanPar climbed back down and started spinning it for Crash Boy.

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