Monday, August 19, 2019

A complete update on the boys!

Here it is, the complete "What are the boys like" as of today!

Echo is the best baby. He loves to be held, but if you sneak off, he'll play by himself just fine! He eats like a MANIAC, and is especially a big fan of proteins. Chicken, turkey, hot dog, beans, cheese... It's awesome. DanPar was the first one, so I worried about everything. Crash had such a hard time eating that he needed a small surgical procedure and a year of therapy. So after all that, being able to plop a pancake, bacon, and strawberries in front of this boy? It makes things so nice.
He naps easily, and he wakes up smiling. He doesn't walk yet, but he's sure trying hard! He crawls quickly, and babbles a lot. He's said "Mama" a few times now and "Puppy" once, but he's not one to show off.

The Crash-a-Boy is as sweet as they come. He shares, he hugs, he says "I love you". He plays well by himself, and he plays well with others. He LOVES yogurt, and we leave him a squeezy pouch of it in the fridge every morning. He runs, jumps, falls, and gets back up to do it all again.
He speaks fluently, and even Alexa understands him! He still sounds like a little kid, but he understands everything you tell him, and he can hold a conversation. He's a little tyke, but he's growing up very well!

King of the rascals, DanPar knows what he likes to do, and has a hard time accepting "No" as an answer. It gets him into lots of trouble, and he responds to trouble by making more trouble. He's basically driving us to the brink. That said, he loves nothing more than to play and laugh and run around.
He loves going to school. He says it's because he likes making new friends! I'm really glad he's had practice playing with other kids, at Cousin Camp and at the library. He's one magnificent boy, and everyone loves him. It's true with him: when it rains, it storms. But for most of the day, he's bringing the sunshine and fun to his brothers!

Things I'm proud of:
- My kids aren't heavy into screens. Even when the TV's on, they'll lose interest after a while. Which is sometimes a shame, because plopping them in front of cartoons is my panic button! But I'm still proud of it.
- They love each other. Crash and DanPar love giving Echo hugs, and he has sweet baby giggles when they do.
- I can add "sweeping the floor" to the list of chores that I've done so much it's not even a hassle anymore. Because of messy meals, I sweep the kitchen at least twice a day.
- My boys are handsome little buggers. I know that it's luck, but I'm still proud of it!
- When it's time to go, we go. They're used to me setting a timer, and so, whether we're off to the library or coming back from the library, they understand! There's the usual feet-dragging, but they don't run off!
- They love to go outside, and don't mind sunscreen! Goodness knows I'm not the most get-up-and-go guy, but it's really nice to see them playing out back, as I read a book from under some shade.
- They want me to be involved. It's sweet, even when I'm exhausted and fed up, that they love me and want me to play with them.

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