Monday, August 19, 2019

Eat fruits and vegetables, Don't lose your temper.

Those are my two rules. Everything else is survival!
I've decided to give myself some slack. The chores will still be there after the boys go to sleep.
I'm just so worried that I'll get myself sick from stress again. I felt it bubbling up in my stomach again this morning. That's why this bowl of Lucky Charms (it's actually Marshmallow Mateys) is considered therapeutic.
I give myself many props. Past Woody got his act together. I raised good kids, even when they drive me crazy. I lost weight, and so I'm not worried about eating my feelings away when I need to.
I'm putting in the time every day, and while I feel like I'm still waist-deep in stressful waters, I'm not completely unprepared.

I've got my friends, I've got my smattering of people to rant to, and I've got great coffee. Seriously. I don't foresee myself ever drinking different coffee again.

I'm holding it together. It's hard sometimes, and I rely on a lot of people, but they are good people.

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