Thursday, February 20, 2020

The move is coming this year!

All right, it's official, we've snatched up this once-in-a-lifetime opportunity, and we're gonna live right next door to the boys' cousins!
I'm having a hard time describing the Ingrams, so right here right now, I'm gonna call them... my in-laws. No, that sounds like Jessi's parents. My brother's in-laws. That's better than what I've been calling them.
We'll be in line with our family. Right. Next. Door.

Jessi's been champing at the bit to move, whereas I've been planning on living out the rest of my life in this house that she sometimes tolerates, sometimes can't stand. But when I learned that our family was getting two houses right next to each other, I asked Jessi if we should.

And since then, she hasn't looked back.
Just two days ago, we put our down payment down on the house, and that's where we'll be! It's just dirt now, but the house is on its way! So it's time to get our own place ready to sell, time to get a place to rent between selling this house and moving into the new one, and man. This year is going to be a rough one.

Oh, but we're looking into a vasectomy! So that's fun!

Man, it's been a rough few days. I could use some sunshine. And a new house. And a nice long break from kids.

But they are sweet boys.

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