Saturday, May 16, 2020

Moved out!

The difference between the things you pack early on vs last minute.

The first things we packed were nicely packed, well-labeled, and all belonged to one room. We wrote jokes on them! We drew pictures. It was nice.
The last box, still labeled with everything, was like "toilet seat, kitchen crap, a handful of batteries, a nice bowl, a bad bowl, and some kind of towel thing."

Anyways, we have moved out of our old house, and the boys are doing better accepting it than I am. They're taking it in stride, especially since it's the only home they'd ever had! It's crazy.

One of the last things I did before moving was break the dryer and try and fix it! I failed, but oh well! That's a problem for the new house!

Don't want to forget Echo! Better pack him up!

Their last night in the old house. They ran around their room for over an hour, exploring space, tossing all their blankets and pillows in the closet, and running around. They are such good brothers.

Same room as above, all cleared out.

The aforementioned closet spaceship.

Echo looking out of the master bedroom window. How weird.

Goodbye house!

Signing the paperwork to sell the house! Rich and homeless :)

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