Tuesday, August 29, 2023

The Bachelor Pad

 What a weekend it's been!

Jessi has been off and away with her mom and sister, having a wonderful time, and after a particularly stressful couple of weeks at work, it's great timing for it.

So it's been me and the boys, on what was meant to be a pretty busy weekend, only for it to end up being INCREDIBLY busy! Last Tuesday, Daniel had a scooter collision with his cousin and the next morning, his pinky was swollen and just didn't work how it ought. So, we took him into an urgent care, got it x-rayed, and, wouldn't you know it, the pinky is broken, and they wrapped his entire arm out of an excess of caution! While the break itself isn't terrible, it goes through his growth plate, so they're going to lengths to ensure that it heals right.

I colored the break with red pen!

On Friday, Daniel and I went to Children's Hospital and got the arm in a brace. Then we got stormed on, but I was prepared and brought an umbrella! Just one, though, so I got SOAKED.

Thank goodness the picnic after school on Friday was cancelled! I would have just up and exploded, I think!

Saturday we drove down for Schwan's bridal shower, where I was very proud because I brought enough toys for all the kids who attended to play with! I also met a bunch of dudes who I'll be going to the Bachelor Party with!

The devil's mix!!! Mixing Skittles and m&ms!

Sunday was Jaina's birthday, and I got a haircut!

These kids know how to enjoy a party!

Monday was Dad's retirement party, and Jessi had finally gotten home! And tell you what, I hope she relaxed hard enough on vacation, because wrangling three boys on a rooftop patio with cake and appetizers and little plastic swords in the appetizers?? Phew!

So much chaos in just one little boy!

Anyways, Jessi is back home, and she is wonderful. She is snuggly and fun and we always have a good time together! Even when assembling furniture, which is what we're up to in our closet! (I'm excited for our closet to come together!)

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